My First Meme

How I'm entertaining myself this afternoon instead of working: this meme I found on a random blog, whereby you answer questions about yourself using only the song titles of your favorite band. (It doesn't really count as navel-gazing if it's good for a laugh, right?)1. Are you a male or female: Switching Off2. Describe yourself: Newborn3. How do you feel about yourself: Great Expectations4. Describe your parents: Grounds for Divorce5. Describe your ex-boyfriend/girlfriends: Picky Bugger6. Describe your current boy/girl situation: Any Day Now7. Describe your current location: Fugitive Motel8. Describe where you want to be: Flying Dream 1439. Your best friend(s) is/are: The Everthere10. Your favorite color is: Red11. You know that: I've Got Your Number12. If your life was a television show what would it be called: Little Beast13. What is life to you: Grace Under Pressure14. What is the best advice you have to give: Lay Down Your Cross; Don't Mix Your DrinksWhy don't you leave a comment with your own answers?


Mad Madam Mim


The Explosionist