My epic quest for spudballs ended last night at approximately 6pm at Fats Quann's takeaway in Carrick on Suir.A spudball is a big blob of mashed potato and minced onion, fried in batter and sprinkled liberally with salt and vinegar. They're packaged first in a brown paper bag, then in newspaper, then in one of those ubiquitous blue and white striped plastic bags that is the hallmark of Irish mom-'n-pop fast food.

I have never heard tell of them anywhere besides Carrick on Suir, and as you may remember, the first two times I visited Brendan's family either the takeaway was closed or they were out of spudballs.

Greasy, mushy, salty goodness. Worth the wait? Oh baby!


the Future Durty Old Man cardigan


Adventures in Berlin: Kunsthaus Tacheles, part 1